Monday, 3 December 2012

Filming Schedule (Miss Georgiou)

Film Schedule

The filming schedule above shows what everyone in the group will be doing and gives all the information that would help us make our thriller movie good and continuous. I think its important to have a film schedule because it helps the group to be more organised and this way they all know what there doing so the filming would run smoothly. The filming schedule shows what locations we will be using in each scene, what camera shots we will be using in the scenes, whats going on in each scene, what every character is doing in all the scenes and who is filming. This is useful because this way everything is previously planned out so everyone already knows what they have to do and when. It also helps the group to work better together seeing as there isn't any confusion inbetween.

Me and my group didn't make any changes to our filming schedual and we all had done what we decided when creating the filming schedual.
This helped us complete the making of our thriller movie very easily, seeing as we all did what was written on the schedual which helped us comminicate better then we expected we would because we all knew what he were suppose to be doing before hand. Also there was no confusion about who was doing what and when.


  1. You have made a start in explaining what a film scheule is and the table above helps to show your understanding.

    Did you make any changes to your scheule and why?

  2. This post now demonstrates a sound understanding of why a filming schedule is essential to include while planning a production.
