Sunday, 3 March 2013

Group Meetings (Miss Georgiou)



To be done by

By whom



  Review Individual Storyboard


Whole Group

Discuss the ideas and concepts that all group members have. Reflect on individual ideas and  create a group storyboard


Planning the cinematography



Whole Group

Discuss what camera movement, shots and techniques to use. Refer to lighting.


Organising Location




Whole Group

Visit various locations and decide which one would be best and conventional to our thriller opening. Roughly plan where to shoot individual scenes.


Choosing the iconography to use




Whole Group

Discuss what items and objects are more effective and conventional to use in a thriller and then finalise who will buy what.


Analysing different lighting techniques



Whole Group

Refer back to where appropriate and what time of day to shoot what scene. Day/night.


Finalising scenes



Whole Group

To discuss how many scenes there will be in our opening and what will happen in each scene. Refer back to storyboards.


Finally decide what dates to film opening.


Whole group

Group meeting to decide on what dates we should start and finish filming.

Get equipment and props ready for filming


Whole group

Everyone get together at agreed location where we will be filming.

To start filming on the 15th November 2012

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Audience Feedback (Miss Georgiou)

Audience Feedback 

1) Why is audience feedback essential to carry out?
Audience feedback is essential to carry out so my group and I know what went successfully and what we would need to change and improve on for the next time we make another video or opening. It also helps highlight each of our individual strengths and weaknesses of our film.

2) Where did you screen your production?
We had shown our thriller opening to many teenagers that fit the age rating, which was a 15. We thought that it was better if we show our thriller opening personally to a group of teenagers of a similar age group rather then uploading it online over YouTube because therefore anyone across the world could see it of any age and we wouldn't get very precise audience feedback.

3) How did YouTube help?
We had uploaded our preliminary task on YouTube which had helped us quite a bit. This helped us because on our preliminary task we had received a fair amount of feedback on the comment box telling us what we should change and keep the same. So we referred back to our preliminary task on YouTube whilst making out thriller opening so we could see what camera shots and angles would be successful to use.

4) What feedback did you receive?
My group and I received quite a lot of positive feedback about our thriller but we also received a fair amount of negative feedback. The negative feedback we received helped inform us about what changes we need to make to improve our thriller opening and make it better. Where as the positive feedback was people telling us what they enjoyed most about our thriller opening and what went successfully.

5) Reflection
Reflecting back on our thriller opening, my group and I feel as though it turned out to be quite successful seeing as we used a majority of thriller codes and conventions. It seems as though all the hours and hard work we put into our filming was worth it seeing as the target audience we showed our thriller opening to enjoyed it. However if my group and I were asked to create another project I think the making of it would run much smoother seeing as we have had previous experience and also seeing as we now know what we need to change and improve to make it better it would run more fluently.